Working with independent churches so that their properties are centres of excellence for worship and mission, We do this by:

  • Holding properties for churches
  • Helping churches occupy existing buildings at concessionary rents
  • Helping these churches fund extensions or improvements to their properties
  • Providing profession property advice
  • Giving guidance on church practice and governance
  • Offering in-house architectural services

We also directly support church planting, particularly through the Church Planting Initiative

While the specific purpose of Church Growth Trust (CGT) is to hold church properties, its objects are designed to encourage church growth and church planting by independent evangelical churches.  It wants to see its resources used for planting, growing, resourcing, connecting, inspiring, enabling and equipping independent evangelical churches.

CGT gives professional advice on property and trust matters, and this frequently leads to giving strategic advice to church leaderships on their wider tasks. CGT also provides training on church property and trust matters. Where the churches which use the buildings which CGT holds are reaching the end of their lives, CGT’s aim is to ensure that the assets continue to be used in the most appropriate way for the purposes of God’s kingdom. While, in the last resort, this may mean sale, often it is possible to enable the buildings to continue in kingdom use by another evangelical congregation. In total, CGT now holds or is connected with 100 church properties, all of them with a historic connection with the Brethren movement.

CGT aims to help property trustees where they are struggling with their responsibilities and assemblies that are considering closing, to ensure that the properties are kept in safe hands for the future.