For more than 120 years, Counties has been sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with communities across the country. We do this through three main areas of our work – evangelists, training and resources.
Our work includes:
- Preaching in churches; on the streets; at community events.
- Personal work in homes; agricultural shows; community centres; schools; chaplaincy; mentoring; discipling; befriending; university students; church events.
- Pioneering among various age groups and interest groups; creating tracts and holiday club materials; enquirer and discipleship courses; using the internet.
- Planting new congregations; renewing vision and structures.
From the earliest days (1899), evangelists often served Brethren churches on a county-wide basis. Around three-quarters of our current evangelists come from this background and retain deep affection for these churches, and a desire to work with them and see them strengthened. But we also recognise that the Lord has called us to serve the wider body of Christ, working with those who share our commitment to a biblically-faithful Gospel.
Two-thirds of our evangelists spend time in schools teaching the Bible, leading acts of worship, supporting Christian Unions, and serving as ‘listeners’ or Governors. We have developed several exhibitions based on the Bible and the life of Christ. Over the last 15 years, nearly half a million school-children have been taught through the GSUS Live mobile classrooms ( and the LIFE exhibition (
All our evangelists ‘live by faith’, rely on voluntary gifts, and are self-employed. Counties’ support includes training, fellowship, conferences, pastoral visits, and some funding (not guaranteed). Local prayer partners form a Counties Link Group which meets regularly to encourage and challenge their local evangelist.