In 2018, Interlink and Echoes of Service merged to form a new mission service group “Echoes International.”
Historically speaking, the primary aims of Interlink were:
- To promote the vision, opportunities and development of mission worldwide
- To serve missionaries commended from Scottish assemblies or churches
- To keep all assemblies or churches informed, providing a meaningful link between field workers and home base, with a view to making their service and partnership as effective as possible
- To work with elders of commending assemblies or churches to assist with pastoral care of missionaries
We channel funds received from assemblies or churches, individuals and trusts. Throughout the year, a number of events are hosted to proactively inform all age groups of the Scottish Christian public regarding the work of missionaries and the needs in various overseas countries. Appropriate use is also made of publications and media resources. These include: a bi-monthly magazine, calendar, prayer cards, website and presentations. With Echoes, GLO and Counties, we sponsor the FirstServe gap-year programme.